There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-- Albert Einstein

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cleopatra The Queen of Egypt

Ariel: Cleopatra was the Queen of Egypt.She is beautiful.
Atticus : She died in the end.

Atticus : Julius Caesar -- He was the Emperior of Rome. He was a soldier.He took over many cities and land.

Ariel : Cleopatra and her son were going to see Julius Caesar.

Atticus: Mark Anthony also wanted to take over the world.But all his soliders died.And he heard horses travelling near full of bad guys so he went and took his horse and ran to the bad guy. He took out his sword and went and told the bad guy to fight but they did not. So he went to Egypt and look for Cleopatra.

Ariel : Mark Anthony fall in love with Cleopatra.He was a bad man.


alina said...

i am impressed... this blog is so informative...

ken~ said...

agreed, though i wish there will be more frequent updates

Welcome to our blog.

My name is Atticus and this is my sister Ariel. We are almost like a pair of twins. We are only eleven months apart.

We do not go to school but stay at home to study.

My daddy and mummy call this home-schooling.


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