There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the president of usa

Ariel : Today,Thursday 16th October, I watched the debate between Obama and McCain. They were fighting to be the next president of the USA.

The elephant is John McCain while the goat is Obama.

Ariel : Obama is son of a goat herder .

This means his father is like a shepherd who is a person who tends to, feeds, or guards sheep especially in flocks. But he is a person who tends a flock of goats.

Ariel : This is John McCain.He was a naval aviator which means he is a USA pilots.

Atticus : I want Obama to win because he is better.Because on TV, John Mccain kept on distracting the audience so that no one will listen to Obama. So I think that Obama should win.

Ariel : I want Obama to win because he is younger.

Welcome to our blog.

My name is Atticus and this is my sister Ariel. We are almost like a pair of twins. We are only eleven months apart.

We do not go to school but stay at home to study.

My daddy and mummy call this home-schooling.


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