There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-- Albert Einstein

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter in the Esshold

Last week we made easter eggs.We gave it to our neighbour. Our neighbour eat it. they like it very much but 3rd sister ate my egg.

The first easter eggs that we have ever made.

This is the first time that we made easter eggs.

This is how we made the easter eggs:

1.Carefully break a hole through the top of the egg so that
the egg white and egg yoke can come out.

2.Then wash the egg shell.

3.Then we made the aga aga.

4.Pour 1 litre of water into the pot. Mix the aga aga and sugar.

5.Boil the aga aga and add colour!

6.Put the cocktail in the eggshell.

7.Put the aga aga in the eggshell!.

Aunti Zu taking a photo of our basket of egss before it was eaten up.

We have a Easter Branch where our grandma, Uncle Kevin, Aunty Zu and Uncle Kwong Fock came and eat with us.

Hopefully next year we will be able to make better easter eggs like the one in the picture.


LADY said...

Hi Atticus & Ariel,

Interesting stuffs! I've never made an Easter egg before. Must be real FUN!

Thanks for sharing and look forward to more of your posts. I enjoyed reading them. ^_^

Doris Jie-Jie

LADY said...

Hi Atticus and Ariel!!!

Have you eaten the cheese cake that I've made for you all?

How was it? Hope you like it.

As requested by your Mom, here's the recipe... Credits goes to Auntie Alvina for teaching me how to bake. ^_^



Butter - 50g
Digestive Bisuit (Pound/ Crush) - 120g
Sugar - 45g
Vanilla Essence - 3/4 tsp


Philadephia Cream Cheese - 2 blocks (250g/block)
Sugar - 120g
Whole Egg - 3
Bulla Light Sour Cream - 80g
Fresh Milk - 40ml
Orange Juice - 1/2 to 3/4 of an orange
Orange zest (grated) - 3/4 of an orange

Apricot Gel for glazing

Before starting...
1. Bring the cheese out from the fridge so that it will be softer.

Method for Base

1. Mix the sugar and digestive biscuit together.
2. Melt the butter under heat until its totally in liquid form.
3. Add vanilla essence to the melted butter.
4. Add the mixture from STEP3 to the STEP1 mixture
5. Mix properly
6. Pour the mixture into your cake tin and spread (and smoothen) it out until you get a uniform thin layer of base.
7. Put the cake tin in the freezer. Then go ahead and prepare the top.

Preparing for the top...
1. Put the Orange zest (grated), juice and fresh milk in a bowl.
2. Put the Sour cream and eggs in another bowl.

Method for the top
1. Cream the cheese and sugar for 10-15 mins using mixer.
2. Pour in the Eggs and Sour cream at 2-3 goes.
3. Mix at top speed using mixer for a while (don't overmix).
4. Pour the orange zest, juice and fresh milk at one go.
5. Mix well (don't overmix)

6. Bring the base (should have harden by now) out and pour the cheese mixture over the base.
7. Bake for 1h 15 mins. Temp. = 150 degree Celsius.

Baking method (Steam bake)
1. Put a tray of water in the oven under your cheese cake to bake so that the product will not be too dry.

After baking...
1. Let the cake cool at room temperature for awhile before putting it in the freezer for around 2h. Cover it.
2. After 2h, take the cake out and glaze using the apricot gel mixed in hot water (1:1).
3. Put it in the fridge to chill it until ready to serve.
Alternatively, you can cut it, put it in a container and freeze it. It will remain fresh for 2 weeks.

Some stuffs to note
1. Sour cream can be found in cold storage or BIG NTUCs.
2. I got the apricot gel from this baking shop called Phoon Huat. Check out its branches in Singapore.
3. According to Alvina, it doesn't matter whether the sugar is coarse or fine. But I used fine sugar anyway.

Ok. I think that's it! Feel free to let me know if you have anymore questions. If you need me to help in the baking, I'll be happy to come over and help!
Finally, have FUN with your baking!

Doris Jie Jie

simcooks said...

Hi Atticus & Ariel,
Greetings from USA!
Your proud mommy asked me to take a look at the Easter Eggs you made and I think they look adorable.
I've never made Easter Eggs before too!! You got to make some for me one day!

auntie yichen

MOS said...

Hi Aunti Yichen,
Thank you for wirting on our blog.

Welcome to our blog.

My name is Atticus and this is my sister Ariel. We are almost like a pair of twins. We are only eleven months apart.

We do not go to school but stay at home to study.

My daddy and mummy call this home-schooling.


Who are we?

Who are we?