There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-- Albert Einstein

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Field trip with mama

Ar The Chinese Heritage Centre

One day during the March holiday, my mother brought my sister Ariel and me to a field trip. We went with her students.

We first visited a shop house which shows how the Chinese lived.

My sisteer Ariel was pretending to eat food upstairs in the building in Chinatown.

At the URA

At URA, we saw a model of Singapore. Here is Ariel. She nearly pushed down three buildings but small ones becasue she cannot push down so big buildings.

I also saw a spider very near but it was going all around the model. O boy, I wish I was sometime like spide going all around Singapore.

I was looking around the model. Suddenly I put my finger near the road but I wasn't touching it because it said :"No touching." So when I was putting my finger near it, I just used my finger to follow all the roads.

We were very tired. So we rested inside the bird cage. And my mother's students named Eugene was with me. And everytime I lose him I called out "Eugene where are you?" because I always lose him.

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Welcome to our blog.

My name is Atticus and this is my sister Ariel. We are almost like a pair of twins. We are only eleven months apart.

We do not go to school but stay at home to study.

My daddy and mummy call this home-schooling.


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