There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-- Albert Einstein

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cheese Cake

Dear Aunty Doris,

We are eating your cheese cake now with our neighbour. She is the the one we gave our easter eggs to last week. This is a photography of her with us in her house.

Ariel said the cheese cake is very nice.

Atticus said that the bottom of the chees cake seems not nice but actually it taste quite good.

Oh no we ate the cheese cake before lunch so my mother will make sure that we eat lunch.

Thank you Aunty Doris

Oh no. My big brother Angus said it is very good. And he ate our share.

We hope to make the cheese cake ourselves soon.

My neighbour said that Angus cannot eat the cheese cake as it will make his hair more curly.

My brother asked what is wrong with curly hair.

She said that it is the wrong era to have curly hair. He should be living in the 1960's like Elvis. Now my neighbour is trying to comb away his curls.

1 comment:

LADY said...

Wow!!! So GLAD that you all like the cheesecake.

Er... btw, I'm Doris JIE-JIE ok? Not AUNTY Doris. But Alvina is AUNTY Alvina... haha...

Ok. Sure look forward to the cheesecake made by Atticus and Ariel. Must let me eat, ok... ^_^

Doris JIE JIE, OK?

Welcome to our blog.

My name is Atticus and this is my sister Ariel. We are almost like a pair of twins. We are only eleven months apart.

We do not go to school but stay at home to study.

My daddy and mummy call this home-schooling.


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