Arield: My mummy was tellling us about the black and while horse. The black horse does bad stuff and tell lies. The white horse tell good stuff and he does good staff.
Atticus:The man in the chariot ride the black and white horses.
Atticus :My mother just ask me a question.Is it that the horses are riding the man or is the man riding the horses?
Ariel: The black horse was very very bad because I thought he was the devil and the white horse was the very very good one. And I also thought was Papa God and Jesus and the black horse was the devil and all the othwr bad angles.
Atticus: Just before my sister wrote the words above me,my baby brother was bullying me. Ha ha I hope you all find it very funny. Ha ha

Ariel I was using the internet along time ago. I use the internet to type in butterfly and i got that picture. I got a few in my files. So I put in file and I have a lot in a kind of typing.
When are you next updating your blog?
i do no catholic
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